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中國流通經(jīng)濟 頁數(shù): 14 2019-09-12 17:26
摘要: 高端服務業(yè)是高人力資本、高度創(chuàng)新、高附加值的產(chǎn)業(yè),是服務業(yè)發(fā)展的塔尖。全球已進入高端服務業(yè)時代,發(fā)展高端服務業(yè)可將中國市場吸引力和經(jīng)濟輻射力轉化為國際影響力?;?4個國家的高端服務業(yè)面板數(shù)據(jù)進行跨國比較,結果表明,金融要素、創(chuàng)新要素、信息技術、政府扶持、市場開放程度等都對高端服務業(yè)發(fā)展有正向促進作用;中國制造業(yè)長期處于全球價值鏈低端,高端制造業(yè)發(fā)展的服務需求不足使得高端服務業(yè)發(fā)展和結構調(diào)整存在滯后效應。當前,應增加金融資本供給,以創(chuàng)新驅動中國高端服務業(yè)國際競爭力提升;搭建高水平的創(chuàng)新載體,讓互聯(lián)網(wǎng)成為高端服務業(yè)跨越式發(fā)展的"翅膀";擴大政府需求,培育新興高端服務需求和市場;加強產(chǎn)業(yè)關聯(lián),引導高端服務業(yè)合理轉移;鼓勵企業(yè)積極參與國際服務外包,重視服務創(chuàng)新,尋求在服務創(chuàng)新方面的跨國合作,培育高端服務業(yè)的核心競爭優(yōu)勢。
The high end service industry is a high human capital,high innovation,and high value-added industry,and is the top of the development of the service industry. The world has entered the era of high-end service industry. The transformation of China's economic structure has taken place in an era of increasingly open world economy;the development of high-end service industry can transform the attractiveness of Chinese market and economic radiation into international influence. The authors use the international comparison method to examine the development level of high-end service industry;based on the cross-country comparison of top service panel data from 24 countries,the empirical results show that the financial factors,innovation factors,information technology,government support,human capital,and market openness have a positive effect on the development of high-end service industry. The relevant policy implication is that we should increase the supply of financial capital to promote the international competitiveness of China's high-end services industry with innovation. From the international experience,the supply of financial capital can significantly promote the development of high-end service industry. In order to benefit from the globalization of service industry,China must effectively undertake the international transfer of high-end service industry in the process of improving its innovation ability. We should build a high-level innovation carrier and make the Internet become "wings" of Leap-forward development of the high end service industry,the Internet will provide tremendous impetus for the development of high-end service industry. Under the influence of the national policy of the industrial structure adjustment,the government is the beneficial promoter and the only external force for the development of high end service industry. We should expand government demand and cultivate new high-end service demand market. We should strengthen industrial linkages and guide the rational transfer of high-end service industry. We should encourage enterprises to actively participate in international service outsourcing,attach importance to service innovation,seek cross-border cooperation in service innovation and cultivate the core competitive advantages of high-end service industry.

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