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河南大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(社會(huì)科學(xué)版) 頁(yè)數(shù): 7 2019-11-01
摘要: 近年來在多個(gè)垂直行業(yè)涌現(xiàn)出許多具有影響力的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)社群,其商業(yè)模式依賴于企業(yè)與社群之間獨(dú)特的價(jià)值共創(chuàng),從而完全不同于傳統(tǒng)的平臺(tái)經(jīng)濟(jì)商業(yè)模式。正如美容社群"新氧"的案例所顯示的那樣,平臺(tái)方、需求端用戶和供應(yīng)端用戶在社群平臺(tái)商業(yè)模式演化過程中的價(jià)值共創(chuàng)行為產(chǎn)生了互動(dòng)式的優(yōu)質(zhì)內(nèi)容。垂直型社群平臺(tái)的商業(yè)化依賴于平臺(tái)參與各方價(jià)值共創(chuàng)產(chǎn)生的優(yōu)質(zhì)內(nèi)容,這些優(yōu)質(zhì)內(nèi)容有助于克服交易過程中的信息不對(duì)稱且僅能由垂直型社群產(chǎn)生;平臺(tái)參與各方的價(jià)值共創(chuàng)行為構(gòu)建了垂直型社群平臺(tái)商業(yè)模式的核心優(yōu)勢(shì),并發(fā)展為平臺(tái)的商業(yè)生態(tài)系統(tǒng)。垂直型社群平臺(tái)的商業(yè)模式是一個(gè)自生長(zhǎng)的機(jī)制,是社群平臺(tái)與社群成員互動(dòng)的結(jié)果。
In recent years, some influential Internet communities have emerged in multiple vertical industries. Their business model relies on the unique value co-creation among the enterprise and the community, which is completely different from the traditional platform economic business model. As the case of the medical cosmetology community "Soyong.com" shows, the value co-creation behavior of platform, demand-side and supply-side users in the evolution of the social platform business model has produced interactive premium content. The commercialization of the vertical community platform relies on the premium content generated by the participation of all parties in the platform. These content can help overcome the information asymmetry in the transaction process and can only be generated by the vertical community; the platform participants' value co-creating behavior built the core advantages of the vertical community platform's business model, and developed into the platform's business ecosystem. The business model of the vertical community platform is a self-growth mechanism that is the result of the interaction of the community platform with members of the community.

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