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經(jīng)濟(jì)管理 頁數(shù): 17 2020-01-21 14:06
摘要: 近年來,中國專利申請(qǐng)量與授權(quán)量得到了快速飛躍,然而"專利泡沫""專利沉睡"等問題也日益凸顯,如何有效促進(jìn)專利數(shù)量到專利質(zhì)量的轉(zhuǎn)變是實(shí)現(xiàn)專利強(qiáng)國的關(guān)鍵。本文基于信號(hào)傳遞理論,構(gòu)建了市場信號(hào)與技術(shù)特征共同影響國際高質(zhì)量專利形成的理論模型,并利用中國在美國專利與商標(biāo)局(USPTO)申請(qǐng)的專利數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行了實(shí)證檢驗(yàn)。研究結(jié)果表明:市場信號(hào)有助于傳遞積極的專利信號(hào)與打破信息不對(duì)稱,推動(dòng)形成國際高質(zhì)量專利;技術(shù)特征能夠擴(kuò)大專利自身的技術(shù)范圍與技術(shù)合作空間,與國際高質(zhì)量專利也存在顯著正向關(guān)系;此外,技術(shù)特征能夠產(chǎn)生技術(shù)噪音與技術(shù)競爭壓力,弱化信號(hào)傳遞效率,從而負(fù)向調(diào)節(jié)市場信號(hào)對(duì)國際高質(zhì)量專利的促進(jìn)效應(yīng)。本文認(rèn)為與市場上的普通商品一樣,專利存在"酒香也怕巷子深"問題,一方面企業(yè)應(yīng)該加強(qiáng)專利國際推廣;另一方面政府需要進(jìn)一步完善市場機(jī)制與減弱信息不對(duì)稱,共同塑造中國國際高質(zhì)量專利。
In recent years,the number of patent applications and authorizations in China has rapidly leapfrogged.However,issues such as "patent bubble" and "sleeping patent" have become increasingly prominent.Under the background of the current constant trade frictions and property right disputes,how to effectively promote the transition from the number of patents to the quality of patents is the key to achieving an intellectual property powerful country.Based on signaling theory,this paper builds a theoretical model of market signals and technical characteristics that affect the formation of international high-quality patents,and with the help of the United States Patent and Trademark Office(UPSTO) the article conducts empirical tests.In particular,this paper adopts international patent assignment and marketization index to evaluate market signals,utilizes technology breadth and technology maturity to measure technical characteristics,and calculates the annual cited frequency to refer to international high-quality patents.Research results show that market signals are helpful to transmit positive patent signals and break information asymmetry,and further promote international high-quality patents; technical characteristics can expand the technical scope and technical cooperation,and also have a significant positive relationship with international high-quality patents; in addition,technical characteristics may generate technical noise,technical competition and pressure,weaken the quality and efficiency of signal transmission,thereby negatively moderate the positive effect of market signals on international high-quality patents.This article suggests that,like ordinary commodity on the market,patents also exist the issues of "wine is also afraid of deep alleys",on one hand these enterprises should strengthen the international dissemination of patents,on the other hand the government needs to further improve the market mechanism and degrade information asymmetry,and jointly create Chinese international patent high-quality.Based on signaling theory,in the context of China's open innovation this research examines and validate that there exists a complementary and competitive relationship between market signals and technical characteristics for international high-quality patents.Our study offers the following contributions to the literature.First,this article pays attention to the annual cited frequency of Chinese patents in USPTO,and is beneficial for Chinese enterprises to better handle patent disputes,technology blockades,and patent barriers through strategically deploying overseas patents.Second,this paper analyzes patents quality from market signals and technical characteristics perspectives,verify that market signals and technical characteristics are both complementary and competitive,and thus manifest the importance and necessity of taking market factors into consideration.Third,this article adopts the patents data at a more micro-level to expand the existing literatures,and control more detailed patent-level variables.Also,there are promising avenues for further research related.Firstly,this article takes patents as research units to consider the differences in patent characteristics,and does not specifically take enterprise characteristics into consideration,such as firm scale,firm sales,etc.Secondly,from technology breadth and technology maturity perspectives this paper discusses that the technical characteristics have a negative moderating effect on the relationship between market signals and patent quality.However,due to the difficulty of measuring relevant indicators,other technology specifications are not considered.Thirdly,based on signaling theory,this paper mainly analyzes the influence of market and technology on the frequency of patent citations.It does not consider whether the market and technology have complementary and competitive effects on innovation performance,internationalization process,etc.

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