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科技管理研究 頁數(shù): 7 2019-05-10
摘要: 權(quán)重的確定是多指標綜合評價中的一個重要步驟。針對傳統(tǒng)層次分析法(AHP)在實踐中無法擺脫評估過程中的隨機性及專家的主觀隨意性等原因使得確定的權(quán)重與實際相悖的不足,提出將群決策的思想融入層次分析法(AHP)。通過將專家意見作為對各個指標賦權(quán)的主要依據(jù),并根據(jù)指標之間的相關(guān)邏輯來逐步調(diào)整各指標的權(quán)重占比,保持動態(tài)賦權(quán),從而改進傳統(tǒng)AHP法;然后根據(jù)建立的指標層次結(jié)構(gòu)模型,運用改進的AHP法求得主觀權(quán)重,將其應(yīng)用于供水績效評估指標權(quán)重確定方法中,獲得滿意的效果。改進的AHP法可以用于制定合理、公正的績效評估體系,也可以應(yīng)用于其他評價指標體系權(quán)重的確定。
The determination of weight is an important step in multi-index comprehensive evaluation. In view of the fact that the traditional analytic hierarchy process(AHP) can not get rid of the randomness of evaluation process and subjective arbitrariness of the experts in practice, this paper proposes to incorporate the idea of group decisionmaking into the AHP method because the weight determined is contrary to the actual situation. The traditional AHP method can be improved by taking the expert opinion as the main basis for the empowerment of each index,and gradually adjusting the weight ratio of each index according to the relevant logic among the indicators to maintain the dynamic weight; then according to the established index hierarchical structure model, the subjective weight is obtained by using the improved AHP method, which is applied to the determination method of index weight of water supply performance evaluation, and the satisfactory effect is obtained. The improved AHP method can be used to establish a reasonable and fair performance evaluation system, and can also be used to determine the weight of other evaluation index systems.

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