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運籌與管理 頁數(shù): 8 2019-06-25
摘要: 針對目前多階段交互式?jīng)Q策的研究多是基于點值的缺陷,以及大多數(shù)研究忽視了從多個屬性對方案進行評價等不足,本文探討了一種基于多粒度語言信息的交互式多屬性群決策方法。首先基于不確定語言變量提出了多粒度語言信息的轉(zhuǎn)換函數(shù),并在給出若干假設(shè)的前提下描述了交互式多屬性群決策的過程,然后提出了交互影響因子來度量決策者的"話語權(quán)",通過穩(wěn)定性指標探討交互終止條件;接著在不確定語言變量的加權(quán)算術(shù)平均(ULWA)算子和誘導(dǎo)多階段交互加權(quán)算子(I-UOWA和I-UOWGA)的基礎(chǔ)上對偏好信息進行集結(jié),再提出優(yōu)勢可能度法對方案排序。最后給出了一個物流供應(yīng)商選擇的案例研究。
Currently,most of the multi-stage interactive decision research are based on point value evaluation information and most of these studies disregard the evaluation of the programs from multi-attribute. To overcome this kind of shortage,an interactive multi-attribute group decision making method is proposed in view of multigranularity linguistic information. Firstly,the transfer function of uncertain linguistic variables is put forward and according to some assumptions the process of interactive multi-attribute group decision making is described. In the process of the interactive decision making,this paper puts forward interactive factor to measure the importance of decision maker and explore the interaction termination's base through stability of indicator index. Moreover,the preference information is aggregated based on weighted arithmetic average( ULWA) operator of uncertain variables and induced interactive weighted operators( I-UOWA and I-UOWGA). Then the advantages possibi

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