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運籌與管理 頁數(shù): 6 2019-06-25
摘要: 信息集結(jié)方法是群體評價的重要研究內(nèi)容,針對該問題本文對評價信息滿意度進行測度,并基于此對群體信息的集結(jié)方法展開研究。該方法根據(jù)指標信息的變化賦予評價者不同的權(quán)重,以改變現(xiàn)有研究中評價者權(quán)重大多固定不變的做法,旨在使群體信息集結(jié)的結(jié)果更加公正和準確。首先對問題進行界定并給出評價信息滿意度的定義;然后分別給出先驗信息滿意度和評價過程中的信息滿意度的確定方法,利用先驗信息滿意度確定各評價者的初始權(quán)重,并利用評價過程中的信息滿意度對其修正,從而得到各評價者的權(quán)重矩陣。最后,按照各評價者的評價信息滿意度對群體評價信息進行集結(jié)。
Information aggregation method is an important research in group evaluation. This paper proposes a method to determine the satisfaction degree of group evaluation information,and further researches a group information aggregation method. In order to further improve the fairness and accuracy,a different weight instead of a fixed one is placed on each index from the same expert in this method. Firstly,the evaluation situation and question are developed,and the satisfaction degree of the evaluation information is defined. Secondly,the methods to determine the satisfaction degree of priori information and the one of current information are presented respectively. The former is used to determine initial weights of experts,and the latter is used to modify those weights. A weight matrix of every expert can be determined in this process. Finally,the final aggregation result of group information is obtained by using these weight matrixes.

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