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火力與指揮控制 頁數(shù): 6 2019-08-15
摘要: 針對屬性權(quán)重和專家權(quán)重完全未知的直覺模糊群決策問題,提出一種基于證據(jù)理論的決策方法?;谟浄趾瘮?shù)和屬性不確定度,將專家的直覺模糊決策矩陣轉(zhuǎn)化為Mass函數(shù);運用了基于直覺模糊熵的屬性權(quán)重計算方法,將專家針對屬性集關(guān)于方案集的評價證據(jù)進行修正與合成;確定了考慮接近度與相似度的專家權(quán)重計算方法,融合了TOPSIS法與Jousselme距離度量專家權(quán)重,將各專家關(guān)于方案集的評價證據(jù)進行修正與合成,最后進行方案排序。運用實例證明了方法的合理性和有效性。
In order to solve the intuitionistic fuzzy group decision problem with completely unknown attribute weight and expert weight,a decision method based on evidence theory is proposed.Based on the scoring function and attribute uncertainty,the expert's intuitionistic fuzzy decision matrix is transformed into Mass function. The method of attribute weight calculation considering intuitionistic fuzzy entropy is determined. The evaluation evidence of attribute set about schema set is modified and synthesized by experts. The expert weight calculation method considering proximity and similarity is determined. The TOPSIS method and Jousselme distance are fused to measure the expert weight. The expert evaluation evidence on the schema set is revised and synthesized. Finally,the scheme sequencing is obtained. The rationality and validity of the method are proved by an example.

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