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中國科技論壇 頁數(shù): 5 2010-02-05
摘要: 本文提出了適度市場化的概念,認為地方應用型科研院所的發(fā)展包涵于社會主義市場經(jīng)濟的總體范疇,應符合有計劃的現(xiàn)代市場經(jīng)濟,即地方轉(zhuǎn)制所應堅持承擔共性技術(shù)研究和追求利益最大化統(tǒng)一。公益性產(chǎn)出方面,上級主管部門應集合各所資源,與外部廣泛合作,形成合力,統(tǒng)一部署,完成對區(qū)域經(jīng)濟甚至國家經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展起重要作用的大規(guī)模公益項目。經(jīng)營性產(chǎn)出方面,地方應用轉(zhuǎn)制所應形成科研開發(fā)人員與市場銷售人員兩頭重的格局,追求市場效益。本文參考了弗勞恩霍夫(Fraunhofer)模式,充分考慮了地方應用型科研院所規(guī)模小、資金匱乏、先進適用的科技成果不多等實際情況,將地方應用型科研院所與公益所和基礎(chǔ)型科研院所區(qū)分開來,強調(diào)了發(fā)展模式的重要性,對現(xiàn)實具有重要的參考價值。
This paper presents the concept of the modest marketization,and points out that the development of local applied scientific research institutes should be included in the scope of socialist market economy.Modern planned market economy should cover modest marketization,that is,should adhere to unity between public technological research and interest maximization.From public research aspect,authorities should conduct extensive cooperation,in accordance with unified plan,pool all resources to finish large-scale public projects that play important roles in regional even national economy.From management aspect,local applied scientific research institutes should place more emphasis on researchers and salesmen to derive the greatest market benefit.Considering small scale,lack of financial resources as well as advanced technological achievements,and combining celebrated Fraunhofer mode,this article distinguishes local applied scientific research institutes from public interest research institutes,and emphasizes the importance of development mode.This paper has great significance and important reference value to practice.

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