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施工技術(shù) 頁數(shù): 4 2012-12-30
摘要: 通過采用綜合效益法對自動壓擴(kuò)器、自動成墻裝置、一種多盤體錨桿等專利項(xiàng)目成果轉(zhuǎn)化的市場價值分析,得出該項(xiàng)目投產(chǎn)后效益明顯,投資回收周期短,投入產(chǎn)出比率優(yōu)于一般項(xiàng)目,屬于投資風(fēng)險可控范圍。
By using the integrated benefit of automatic compander,automatic wall device,a plate body anchor patent projects to the transformation of market value analysis,the project put into operation benefit is apparent,investment recovery period is short,input-output ratio is superior to the general project,which belongs to the investment risk control.

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