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中國工業(yè)經(jīng)濟(jì) 頁數(shù): 13 2013-05-17
摘要: 識別橫向合并中的單邊效應(yīng)是各國反壟斷審查的重點(diǎn)內(nèi)容。本文通過研究關(guān)聯(lián)價(jià)值模型下拍賣或招投標(biāo)市場上橫向合并的單邊效應(yīng),得出了單邊效應(yīng)產(chǎn)生的充分必要條件,并將差異化產(chǎn)品市場上單邊效應(yīng)的UPP(價(jià)格上漲壓力測試法)思想推廣到拍賣或招投標(biāo)市場上。在此基礎(chǔ)上,利用改進(jìn)的GUPPI(漲價(jià)壓力總指數(shù))對甲骨文仁科合并案進(jìn)行分析,結(jié)果與歐美反壟斷機(jī)構(gòu)測算出的結(jié)果基本一致,即該起合并會產(chǎn)生單邊效應(yīng)。本文提出,GUPPI指數(shù)可以作為快速有效的初步篩選工具應(yīng)用到拍賣或招投標(biāo)市場中的橫向合并審查,中國反壟斷執(zhí)法機(jī)構(gòu)對拍賣或招投標(biāo)市場中的合并審查可采用類似方法。
To identify the unilateral effects of horizontal mergers in the anti-monopoly review is always the key point.This paper characterizes the unilateral effects in auction or bidding markets,and finds a necessary and sufficient condition for the unilateral effects in affiliated value auctions for the first time.It also tries to put the idea of the UPP(Upward Pricing Pressure) test which is used to identify unilateral effects in markets with differentiated products,into the auction or bidding markets.Based on revised GUPPI(Gross Upward Price Pressure Index),this paper analyzes the case of Oracle—PeopleSoft merger empirically and gets the similar result as antitrust agencies in the U.S.and in the EU that this merger causes the unilateral effects.Being a quick and effective preliminary tool,GUPPI can be used in merger reviews.This paper suggests the antitrust agency in China should apply this kind of method or index in most merger reviews and cases in auction markets.

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