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廣東財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào) 頁數(shù): 12 2014-03-28
摘要: 繁重的執(zhí)法負(fù)荷、稀缺的執(zhí)法資源以及不完善的文化管理體制機(jī)制,構(gòu)成了我國(guó)文化市場(chǎng)執(zhí)法的多重約束,產(chǎn)生了文化市場(chǎng)執(zhí)法威懾不足的困境。以威懾理論為基本視角,采用博弈分析框架,分析了威懾不足困境產(chǎn)生的原因及其突破方向。強(qiáng)調(diào)聲譽(yù)機(jī)制的引入能夠促進(jìn)良性均衡產(chǎn)生,執(zhí)法機(jī)構(gòu)樹立嚴(yán)格執(zhí)法聲譽(yù)有助于增強(qiáng)執(zhí)法效能,文化生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營(yíng)單位提高聲譽(yù)有助于強(qiáng)化自我約束。因此,建議促進(jìn)形成聲譽(yù)機(jī)制、連鎖經(jīng)營(yíng)機(jī)制以及社會(huì)治理機(jī)制,實(shí)現(xiàn)文化市場(chǎng)執(zhí)法的優(yōu)化以提高威懾水平。
The heavy load and scarce resource of law enforcement and the imperfect system and mechanism of cultural management generate multiple constraints for the law enforcement in cultural markets,which has led to the dilemma of inadequate deterrence. The paper chooses deterrence theory as the basic perspective and game theory as the analysis framework to analyze the reasons for the inadequate deterrence dilemma and the breakthrough directions. It argues that the introduction of reputation mechanism can contribute to equilibrium,law enforcement agencies' establishment of strict reputation would help to enhance the effectiveness of law enforcement,and cultural production units' improvement of reputation would strengthen self-discipline. Therefore,it is suggested to promote the formation of a reputation mechanism,a chain mechanism and a social governance mechanism in order to achieve the optimization of law enforcement for cultural markets.

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