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中國(guó)人民大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào) 頁(yè)數(shù): 6 2014-03-16
摘要: 智庫(kù)思想市場(chǎng)是指從事公共政策思想生產(chǎn)的知識(shí)分子與其需求方通過(guò)各種媒介進(jìn)行的思想商品交換活動(dòng)。市場(chǎng)存在政治、分配、社會(huì)化、倫理等方面的局限與失靈,而智庫(kù)思想產(chǎn)品所具有的公共性、社會(huì)性、政治性、超前性、全球性、擴(kuò)散性和其以追求影響力而不是利潤(rùn)為目標(biāo)的特點(diǎn),使得智庫(kù)思想市場(chǎng)與其他商品市場(chǎng)相比更易出現(xiàn)市場(chǎng)失靈,從而也更需要政府的規(guī)制。目前中國(guó)處于思想市場(chǎng)的培育期,一方面要逐步培育和形成中國(guó)特色的智庫(kù)思想市場(chǎng),另一方面要對(duì)其建設(shè)與發(fā)展實(shí)施有效規(guī)制,形成智庫(kù)思想市場(chǎng)培育與規(guī)制相輔相成的有序發(fā)展環(huán)境。
This paper was the first to propose the concept of Think Tanks Idea Market based on the idea market theory.To analyze its characteristics,discuss the necessity of the cultivation and regulation for Chinese Think Tanks Idea Market,and provide strategic suggestions for the future development of Chinese think tanks.Think Tanks Idea Market is referred to as exchanges of ideas between intellectuals who are engaged in public policy production and their demanders through varies media.Failure and limitations may occur in the market in terms of politics,distribution,socialization and ethics.And failure of Think Tanks Idea Market occurs more easily as the product possesses such features as publicity, sociality,politics,diffusivity,with a forward-thinking and global horizon,and its pursuit for influence rather than profits,and therefore requires more government regulation.China is currently in the period of market cultivation.On the one hand,we should further open and foster a Think Tanks Idea Market with Chinese characteristics.On the other,we need to have an effective regulation to the construction and development of Chinese think tanks.

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