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科技管理研究 頁數(shù): 7 2017-02-20
摘要: 運用問卷調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù)進行描述性統(tǒng)計并開發(fā)驗證科技中介服務體系量表,闡釋影響科技中介服務體系發(fā)展的內(nèi)在和外在因素,進而結合資源配置市場化分析科技中介服務發(fā)展模式選擇,角色定位、目標選擇、發(fā)展路徑與實現(xiàn)手段,最后提出市場化資源配置下區(qū)域科技中介服務模式發(fā)展的相關政策和建議。
The development of sci- tech intermediary service in Yangtze River delta area is remarkable,but lacking in terms of marketization of the resource allocation. Using questionnaire survey to describe statistics and scale development and construct validation,the paper explains the internal and external influence factors of sci- tech intermediary service system development. After that,the paper analyzes development pattern choice of sci- tech intermediary service combining with marketization of resource allocation,including role positioning,target selection,development path and implementation methods. Finally,policies and suggestions on regional sci- tech intermediary service mode under marketization of resource allocation are put forward.

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