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中小型水力發(fā)電工程地質(zhì)勘察 共有 46 個詞條內(nèi)容

6.9 lnvestigation report

    6.9.1 For the engineering geological investigation report atpre-feasibility study stage, the text shall include: introduction,regional geology and regional tectonic stability, engineeringgeological conditions of reservoir area, engineering geologicalcondi...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


7.1 General requirements

    7.1.1 On the basis of the works completed at pre-feasibility study,the geological investigation at feasibility study stage shall ascertainthe geological conditions of reservoir area and dam site, provide thegeological basis for selecting dam site, dam typ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


7.2 Reservoir

    7.2.1 Investigation in reservoir area shall include the followings.(1) Ascertain hydrological conditions of reservoir area.(2) Ascertain geological conditions of potential unstable reservoirbank and confirm the extent of affected area.(3) Ascertain geolog...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


7.3 Earth-rockfill dam

    7.3.1 Investigation of earth-rockfill dam sites shall include thefollowings.(1) Ascertain the undulation of bedrock surface in dam foundation,particularly the extent, depth and shape of the deep trough in riverchannel, ancient river course and buried vall...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


7.4 Concrete gravity dam

    7.4.1 Investigation of concrete gravity dam site on rock foundationshould include the followings.(1) Ascertain the distribution, thickness, stratification andcomposition of overburden in the areas of dam site and structures, aswell as the distribution ext...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


7.5 Concrete arch dam

    7.5.1 Apart from relevant requirements in 7.4.1, investigation forconcrete arch dam site shall include the following contents.(1) Ascertain form, aspect ratio, and the terrain integrated extent inboth sides of the valley.(2) Ascertain whether there are fa...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


7.6 Tunnels

    7.6.1 Investigation for tunnel shall include the following contents.(1) Ascertain the topography and the geological phenomenon alongthe tunnel.(2) Ascertain the formation lithology along the tunnel, focus onascertaining the distribution of the loose rock-...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


7.7 Channel

    7.7.1 Investigation for channel shall include the following contents.(1) Ascertain the formation lithology, geological structure and thedistribution of bedrock and overburden along the channel andbuilding area. Focus on ascertaining the distribution of ro...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


7.8 Underground powerhouse system

    7.8.1 Investigation for underground powerhouse system shallinclude the following contents.(1) Ascertain topography conditions on the site and adverse physicalgeological phenomenon such as weathering and unloading, landslide,collapse, deformation rockmass,...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


7.9 Surface powerhouse system

    7.9.1 Investigation for surface powerhouse system shall include thefollowings.(1) Ascertain the stratigraph and rock type where pressure forebay orsurge shaft (tank), pressure conduit, powerhouse, tailrace and surfaceswitch station are arranged. Focus sha...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

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